How to write a CV for an apprenticeship

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Found an apprenticeship that you’d like to apply for, but don’t know where to start? Our apprenticeship CV guide will get you sorted. In this guide we cover what a CV is, why you need one, and some simple tips and tricks to make you stand out from the crowd. Plus, we’ve also got an apprenticeship CV template and examples to get you started.  

In this article, we look at what a CV is, why you need one when applying for apprenticeships and how to write one that will stand out from the crowd. 

What is a CV?  

A ‘Curriculum Vitae’ also known as a CV is a document that is used when applying for a role for any job. This includes a short summary of your career, education, qualifications, personal skills and transferrable skills.  

Do you need a CV for an apprenticeship? 

When you’re applying for a trade’s apprenticeship, it is *essential* to send a CV. It’s a big deal because it helps your future boss figure out if you’ve got the right skills for the job and if you’re someone they should call in for an interview. 

What to include on your apprenticeship CV? 

We get it, describing yourself can sometimes feel awkward or uncomfortable. However, this is your chance to highlight all the fantastic things you’ve done at school or college and the great skills you’ve developed through your hobbies and interests. Embrace the opportunity to showcase your strengths, talents, and achievements. Don’t be shy, celebrate your accomplishments and share your passions – this is your time to shine! 

Here is an example on what you should include:   

  1. Personal details: This step is important! Include your name, email address, and phone number so that when you score an interview, the employer knows who you are and how to reach you.
  2. Education: When you’re going for apprenticeships, they often ask for specific educational details, like your English and Maths GCSE grade. Make sure to put all your school achievements on your CV, including your grades and any projects or pieces of work that you were proud of. That way, it’s easier for the employer to figure out if you’re a good fit for the job.
  3. Work or Volunteering Experience: If you’ve had a job or done some volunteer work before, then include it! Your CV needs to tell your potential employers how long you worked at your previous jobs, what you did and the skills you picked up, such as teamwork, customer service, time management or even specific skills that could be relevant to your apprenticeship, like electrical skills or health and safety training.

    If you haven’t had a job or professional work experience yet, then don’t sweat. Employers who are looking for trades apprentices know that often people who apply won’t have had any experience in a similar role before – that’s why you’re applying for the apprenticeship training programme. Instead, employers are looking to see if you have the natural skills that will make you a good apprentice, such as willing to learn, communication skills, passion for DIY and the ability to work both in a team and independently.

    Make sure you talk about your hobbies and interests, however random you think they might be. Are you part of a football team that trains twice a week? This shows motivation and teamwork. Or have you been travelling? This shows you’re curious and independent. Or have you helped out friends or family members on specific DIY projects? This shows you’re good at using your hands to fix things.

    There are tons of ways to chat about your interests and link them back to transferrable skills that show how you’re a great candidate for an apprenticeship.  

  4. Any relevant training: If you’ve taken courses related to the job – make sure to include this. Even if you haven’t finished the course yet, it’s worth mentioning.
  5. Hobbies and interests:  It is also great to include hobbies and interests so the employer can get to know you and gage a better understanding of whether you will fit into their company culture.  

Apprenticeship CV template  

It can be hard to know where to start when you’re first writing your CV. So, we’ve created a useful CV template on Canva that takes care of the tough parts for you. 

You can use this template to structure your CV and help guide you with what you should include. 

As long as you include all the elements mentioned above, you’ll have a winning CV that’s sure to land you that first interview.

You can access the template by making a free Canva account. 

What happens next?  

Once you’ve created your CV, it’s time to apply for the apprenticeship. Send your CV along with your cover letter to your chosen employer apply for the apprenticeship. If you need help writing a cover letter, we’ve got a guide to that too available here. 

After you’ve sent in your CV and cover letter, it’s time to play the waiting game. It can take employers a few weeks to reply to your job application, and you can follow up with them during that time over the phone or email to make sure they’ve received your application.   

If the employer likes your application and wants to find out more about you, then they will invite you to interview, either over the phone or in person, and you’ll usually get an email or a phone call to confirm. Read our guide on how to prepare for your apprenticeship interview so you nail your interview prep.  

Try not to worry too much if your application doesn’t result in an interview. There are tonnes of great employers looking for new apprentices like yourself, so there’s lots of opportunities to land the job role you want. It can sometimes take a few job applications before you land the job you want, so try not to be disheartened if you don’t get an interview, as it’s likely that this one just wasn’t the perfect fit for you. Keep applying and keep your chin up – good luck! 


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